ENKRATEIA HOUSE OF HOPE in Waconia Our Deacon Patrick Kirsch is helping direct this wonderful cause Website: https://www.enkrateiahouseofhope.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NKHouseofHope Mission Statement EHOH wants you to know that you are unique, and your uniqueness…
We had a great power team of 20 parishioners gather on Monday January 13th to help take down the 2024 Christmas decorations in the church proper and outside on the church and rectory grounds….
Father Peter and Deacon Patrick celebrated Mass Christmas Eve with a very full church ending in the traditional singing of Silent Night with the church lights turned down and the Christmas Trees all lit…
Free book on the Fountain of Youth Are you ready to live forever?
Announcing the four talented artists in our Faith Formation that were selected for the first prize in each age group Congratulations to all the students that entered posters! — — —
For the fifth year in a row, the St. Boniface Knights of Columbus assembled and delivered Christmas Baskets of Joy filled with fruit, muffins and other treats to homebound or elder members of our…
Please take some time to review the accomplishments of our Catholic United Financial St. Boniface Parish Volunteer Team (PVT) in our 2024 Newsletter – Link below: https://saintboni.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Catholic-Financial-Newsletter-V1-December-2024.pd Our Parish Volunteer Team Webpage Link Below…
We had a great Parish crew of 20 industrious people again show up to help put up the inside and outside decorations, including the outside Manger and railing garland! BIG Thanks to all the…
St. Boniface KC Turkey Bingo 2024 Video It was a successful bingo event with an estimated 200 people attending not including the 20 KC volunteers and family members helping with the logistics Click PLAY…
We, the parishioners of St. Boniface Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through word and sacrament, calling people to new lives and discipleship. We grow in faith, hope, and love as a community of believers through worship, prayer, stewardship, and study. We serve people’s needs by sharing God’s love in our community, in the Archdiocese, and throughout the world.
Tuesday | 6:30 PM |
Wednesday | 8:00 AM |
Saturday | 4:00 PM |
Sunday | 11:00 AM |
Tuesday | 6:00 PM |
Wednesday | 7:30 AM |
Saturday | 3:00 PM |